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Categoría: Prosa Poética


Writing is my pasion and my clothing. 

Is the way I dress to show the world 

my most intimate self. Every piece 

of information is like a chapter of 

a book that I am writing. 

My autobiography of a life that had 

good and bad times, a disply of 

characters in the most fantastic 

experience called life. 

Without life it would be imposible 

for me to express anything at all. 

When I write I pull down the veil 

between the known and the unknown. 

I go deep down as possible and higher 

as I am permited to go. Everything is 

laydown like a feast table and I am 

invited to eat as I please. Nothing 

is hidden from me, but I can only eat 

so much and digest so little, and when 

I am ready to express. I can only give 

a dim reflexcion of what I saw and 

heard. Every writer has an opinion 

to give, a world of ideas to disply 

of what they saw and heard at the feast 

table called life. The opinions can be 

delisous to the intellect or bitter 

to the heart. Take it as you please! 

But remember that the way it is will 

be demand from your head, for not 

telling it like it is, for giving 

the wrong interpretation instead of 

saying: “I am not sure” 

Writer you have an ethics duty to the 

world to tell it like it is. If you 

twist and shout error, your world will 

be empty and void. If you herald the 

good news in spirit and truth, you will 

be a guiding light in the darkness for 

those who seek information an 


Does it matter what one believes? 

“Like dead and life!” If I have 

the wrong information I fail. 

If I have the right information 

I succeed. If I don’t know 

where to go? How can I get there? 

Can I say that there is no God? 

Just because I don’t see Him. 

I can’t see the wind eather but 

I sure can feel it! Can ignorance 

get me out of trouble? 

If I say the wrong thing and ofend 

somebody. Does it matters what 

I believe? Ignorance is no an excuse. 

“Well, you can believe whatever you 

like just as long as one is sincere” 

Can sincerity gets me ouut of hell? 

I sey it again! Does it matter what 

I believe? Is your call, you call 

the shots! But make sure you are right. 

We can’t afore to be wrong. Can we?

Datos del Poema
  • Código: 367337
  • Fecha: 29 de Agosto de 2014
  • Categoría: Prosa Poética
  • Media: 0
  • Votos: 0
  • Envios: 0
  • Lecturas: 1,177
  • Valoración:
Datos del Autor
Nombre: Antonio Torres
País: Estados UnidosSexo: Masculino
Fecha de alta: 30 de Abril de 2012
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