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La Poesia que ha intentado acceder no ha sido encontrada en nuestra base de datos, a continuación le mostramos una poesia aleatoria.
Categoría: Patrióticos

The Shaheed..

The Shaheed..
As the sparrows fly above..
Flying on borrowed time..
Wings flapping in harmony..
Our lips quietly whispering..
Our blood for theirs..
This evil war of aggression..
We must meet face to face..
We must conquer..
Submit to this sacrifice..
This war of justice..
Protection for our people..
Earn our just reward..
Seek a salvation from a sudden..
Eternal destruction..
This pursuit of holiness..
Daily we must seek..
This giving of life..
The power of taking it away..
Every single drop of blood..
Will blend with the earth..
Just like Cain slew Abel..
Why must we kill each other?
We carry the same blood..
Why must we shed it?
Why should it mix with the ground?
We all live on borrowed time..
For whosoever takes a man´s blood..
By a man his blood will be shed..
For all who take the sword..
Will perish by it..
You leave us no choice..
But to become a shaheed..
Datos del Poema
  • Código: 140911
  • Fecha: 07 de Septiembre de 2003
  • Categoría: Patrióticos
  • Media: 6.51
  • Votos: 189
  • Envios: 0
  • Lecturas: 2,225
  • Valoración:
Datos del Autor
País: Sexo: Sin Datos
Fecha de alta: 21 de Septiembre de 2024
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